Phantoms A Thriller Dean Koontz Books

Phantoms A Thriller Dean Koontz Books
Koontz has woven the tails of a super intelligent handicapped girl living with a drug addled Mother and evil Step Father, a down on her luck woman living next door with her eccentric Aunt Gen, a hardened and grief stricken PI and his elegant client and of course, a shape shifting Alien Hell bent on his mission to heal the World.Koontz weaves this tail with his inimitable descriptive prose that at times resembles poetry. His enduring love for his late Golden Retriever manifests itself as a recurring theme of the spiritual bond between Persons and their Dogs.By being slightly less intelligent than Humans, a dog still possesses an Innocence that allows them to recognize the Playful Presence of our Creator.
All of this provides a back drop for an exciting battle between Good and Evil. I found it to be equally as thrilling even though this was the second time that I have read this novel. I truly recommend choosing this for an enjoyable experience.
P. S. Although I am an unconditional fan of Dean Koontz and everything that I have had the pleasure to read that he has written, my all time favorite Dean Koont novel is still "Watchers"!

Tags : Phantoms: A Thriller (9780425181102): Dean Koontz: Books,Dean Koontz,Phantoms: A Thriller,Berkley,0425181103,Thrillers - Suspense,Horror fiction,Horror tales,Missing persons,Suspense fiction,FICTION Horror,FICTION Small Town & Rural,FICTION Thrillers Suspense,Fiction,Fiction - Horror,Fiction-Suspense,General Adult,Horror & ghost stories,Horror - General,MASS MARKET,MysterySuspense,POPULAR AMERICAN FICTION,dean koontz books;dean koontz;horror;suspense;thriller;mystery;small towns;California;siblings;sisters;murder;conspiracy;missing persons;vanished;urban legend;police;sheriff;military;shapeshifters;scary;thrillers;thriller books;supernatural;horror books;suspense books;horror novels;betrayal;mysteries and thrillers;suspense thriller books;scary books;fiction;novels;fiction books;books fiction;realistic fiction books;mystery thriller suspense;horror fiction;horror stories;mystery and thriller,horror; suspense; thriller; mystery; small towns; California; siblings; sisters; murder; conspiracy; missing persons; vanished; urban legend; police; sheriff; military; shapeshifters; scary; thrillers; thriller books; supernatural; mystery thriller suspense; horror books; fiction; fiction books; horror novels; mysteries and thrillers; suspense thriller books; suspense fiction; horror stories; mystery and thriller; suspense books; dean koontz books; dean koontz; novels; scary books; betrayal; realistic fiction books; books fiction
Phantoms A Thriller Dean Koontz Books Reviews
Like a greasy banana peel, the crescent moon witnessed my impatience with this novel, and as with that fecund bit of compost, I tossed the refuse away with disgust. If you think that is poorly written, you will loathe the metaphors and similes that appear on every page of this novel in such abundance that at times I thought it was a joke. As if that wasn't bad enough, Koontz has used the irritating writer's trick of moving between the main characters, Micky and Leilani, who might be interesting if they weren't both such wing nuts, and two other totally unrelated story lines that intrude in every other chapter. I'm certain that at some point these other stories will intertwine with the main story, but Koontz tries to cleverly obscure all details that would give any substance to 'the motherless child ' and 'the private investigator' that you lose patience and then find that you have lost interest. I made it to chapter 11 and gave up hoping for any improvement. I have enjoyed some of Koontz's books, but this one joined the ranks of the handful of books I decided was not worth my time and chose not to finish. Life is too short to read bad books.
I've read many Koontz novels and for me he has always been a "hit or miss" author. Sometimes very good, sometimes not so good. The first time I read this book I honestly thought to myself that someone ELSE wrote it and used Koontz's name. Not that I had any idea how anyone could get AWAY with such a thing, mind you. It's just that I thought the book was so over-the-top EXCELLENT that I couldn't believe Dean Koontz had written it. Since then, however, Mr. Koontz has had several novels that, in my humble opinion, really knocked it out of the park - so he has indeed proven himself to be capable of outstanding writing. From the Corner of His Eye, however, will always remain my favorite. Not only have I recommended it to every reader I know, but I've read it myself - in its entirety - at least 5 times. For me, this book has it all suspense, intrigue, excitement, and tremendous heart. Pulls every emotion from extreme anger to utter despair. Had me laughing out loud in places and bawling my eyes out in others. Incredible characters and every last little loose end and detail wrapped up at the end. An outstanding work of art here, folks - and a truly entertaining read. Well done, Mr. Koontz, well done.
A book that keeps me nailed down in a chair must get 5 stars! The best aspects first the characterization is excellent, the story has many twists and turns, you cannot guess at all what will happen next, and it was easy to differentiate between the characters. This latter aspect is a problem I sometimes have when there are many important characters in a book -- on a it is not so easy to page back and find out who is "Otto" or "Sarah" -- as an example. (Maybe it's because his characters have such incredibly strange names and surnames in this book!)
But as happens sometimes in such tales, Dean Koontz created a villain so nastily clever and devious that in the end his villain outfoxed Mr Koontz himself! -) So, in order to get rid of him -- which no police officer of any description would have been able to do -- Mr Koontz, in a way of speaking, pulls a rabbit out of a hat ... (Oops, Mr Koontz!) Also, a fault of both King and Koontz, Dean Koontz has a tendency to ramble on and on sometimes, so much so that the author intrudes upon his own story. So yes, I did skip some of these rambles ... They were extraneous to the riveting tale.
Not the first time I'e read From the Corner of His Eye, yet as with the first, it is a captivating, engrossing, page-turning joy to read.
The characters are people you'd like to call friends - or at least the "good guys" are. His antagonist is written in such a way that you journey through his perception of the world and himself, showing what a warped view the "bad guys" truly have. And the journey is one in which you are at once engaged in the story, and awestruck by how Koontz brought together this interwoven world. As a writer of many areas myself (academic, fiction, nonfiction) I am always in deep respect of Koontz's storytelling, but this one in particular is impressive.
This is a thinker's book, but it's entertaining. It's a suspense-filled journey, with a heartwarming narrative at it's heart. It's a great way to spend as many hours as it takes you to read, but as I'm proof, it's equally magnetic in drawing you to return time and again. I always wait a year or two, but I'm always surprised and come away with something new.
I think you'll enjoy the journey within these pages... and remember, He's always watching, from the corner of His eye.
Koontz has woven the tails of a super intelligent handicapped girl living with a drug addled Mother and evil Step Father, a down on her luck woman living next door with her eccentric Aunt Gen, a hardened and grief stricken PI and his elegant client and of course, a shape shifting Alien Hell bent on his mission to heal the World.
Koontz weaves this tail with his inimitable descriptive prose that at times resembles poetry. His enduring love for his late Golden Retriever manifests itself as a recurring theme of the spiritual bond between Persons and their Dogs.By being slightly less intelligent than Humans, a dog still possesses an Innocence that allows them to recognize the Playful Presence of our Creator.
All of this provides a back drop for an exciting battle between Good and Evil. I found it to be equally as thrilling even though this was the second time that I have read this novel. I truly recommend choosing this for an enjoyable experience.
P. S. Although I am an unconditional fan of Dean Koontz and everything that I have had the pleasure to read that he has written, my all time favorite Dean Koont novel is still "Watchers"!

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