Gangster Redemption eBook Peter Golenbock Larry Lawton

Growing up in the Bronx in the shadow of the Throgs Neck Bridge, Larry Lawton was an altar boy until the day he was sexually molested by a priest. Needing to prove his manhood, Lawton as a teen began a criminal career taking bets on football games. He hung out at local bars, was embraced by mobsters, and soon became an “earner” and enforcer for the Gambino crime family.
After a young thug made the mistakes of robbing a member of Lawton’s gang, Lawton took him into the basement of the mob bar and told the thug that if he didn’t tell him where the money was, he was going to be sorry. The thug finally talked, but not before Lawton left the imprint of a scalding-hot iron on his chest.
Lawton was ordered by his superiors to rob a jewelry store in Florida. The owner, who sought to collect insurance on his losses, was in on it. The robbery made Lawton a small fortune, and for the next six years he pulled off heist after heist up and down the East Coast, frustrating the police and the FBI.
After six years he was caught, and sentenced to four twelve year sentences to run concurrently in some of America’s most brutal prisons. He was sent to solitary, tortured by guards, and after he began a letter writing campaign to publicize the brutality of prison life, he was targeted by the warden for further abuse. One day the guards beat him, stripped him naked, strapped him down spread eagle, and urinated on him as punishment.
“Keep writing, Lawton,” said one guard as he walked away.
After Lawton served his term, he was asked by a friend to talk to the friend’s son, a boy who clearly was headed for a life of crime. Lawton vividly told the boy about what prison life really was about, and after a couple of weeks the boy’s father said to Lawton, “You ought to make this your life’s work. I don’t know what you told him, but he’s a different kid.”
Since then Lawton has dedicated his life to working with America’s teens and young adults, telling them the truth about prison life, what they will lose, avoiding and dissolving bad associations, helping them to turn their lives around. His program, the nationally recognized Reality Check Program, is used by judges, law enforcement, government officials, attorneys and parents all over the country and has kept thousands of teens and young adults from going to prison. His success rate is incredible and well documented.
So is Larry Lawton’s story.
Gangster Redemption eBook Peter Golenbock Larry Lawton
I am not a reader but the moment I downloaded the book on my kindle, I couldn't stop reading. I even brought it to work with me and read some at lunch time. I am now done with this book and now plan to get the DVD and then work on getting my oldest son into your program and meeting you. He is 16 and making wrong choices. I'm worried about the direction he's going into to. I will definitely recommend this boom to my family and friends, especially the ones with teenagers.Product details

Tags : Gangster Redemption eBook: Peter Golenbock, Larry Lawton: Kindle Store,ebook,Peter Golenbock, Larry Lawton,Gangster Redemption,LL Research & Consulting, Inc.,SELF-HELP General,TRUE CRIME Organized Crime
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Gangster Redemption eBook Peter Golenbock Larry Lawton Reviews
Larry Lawton is a winner! He overcomes a negative lifestlye to become a great blessing to others and most importantly children. Larry has learned to live a life of truth! I admire anyone who failed so miserably and yet becomes what God intended them to become...A WINNER! I highly reccomend you get your troubled children, ages 11 and above to read this book. Way to go Mr. Lawton, you have empowered me once more to beleive people can truly change thier circumstances if they just learn some humility.
Let this book serve as a warning to all the kids and young adults out there who are living what they see as a "glamorous" life of crime. "Gangster Redemption" is a personal memoir of the life of Larry Lawton, a street-wise kid who grew up in the gritty neighborhoods of the Bronx. Lawton pulls no punches in this testament to living in the gang infested streets of the Bronx where you stand up, or be crushed.
The story begins in Larry's youth, as a kid who just wants to be a kid, but learns quickly that if you do not fight for yourself you will always be the one getting beaten. He starts hanging around with the wrong crowd, and gets into a bit of trouble, as the years go on. He tries to escape this life by joining the United States Coast Guard, but alas finds ways to make money illegally, keeping his foot in the door of crime. His time ends abruptly in the Guard when he falls on a boat injuring his back severely. Once out he gets involved in organized crime, finding it pretty easy to make money doing small jobs, which over time turn into bigger jobs. The lure of wealth turns Lawton into one of the biggest and most notorious jewel thieves America has ever seen.
Lawton is living the big life. He believes he can't be caught. A believe that is shattered as he is indeed captured and sent to the State Penitentiary. His life plummets as he describes first hand, the atrocities that happen within the walls of the state prison system. Rapes, murders, and beatings at the hands of other prisoners and at the hands of some of the guards. He describes his lowest moment, a moment of a man who, at one time had a chauffeur, all the money he could want, drugs, women and booze, to a man strapped, naked, spread eagle to the floor with guards beating him and urinating on his face.
Many men would give up, break down and perhaps kill themselves. Not Larry Lawton. He rose and begins his fight for better conditions in prisons. Better conditions meaning no more beatings and no more being treated inhumanly. He studies some law and helps other prisoners with their cases. He comes into contact with some of the most despicable people known to man, but Lawton believes everyone still deserves to be treated like a human.
This is a story of sadness. Lawton comes to realize how much he lost in prison, when he found out his grandmother had passed away and the prison staff refused to let him know. He regrets he missed her final years and her funeral. When he left for prison, for what turned out to be 11 years, he left behind a young wife and young family. By the time he gets out, he lost it all. When released his Father was in the beginning stages of Alzheimer. He missed the years of a healthy father.
It is also a story of hope. As Lawton slowly acclimates to the outside world, it soon becomes evident that he can help guide young adults away from a life of crime by sharing his stories. He slowly finds opportunities to help kids at risk withing the court system. Over the next few years he develops his "Reality Check Program", a program that teaches at-risk youth the consequences of traveling the road of crime. It is not a "Scared Straight" approach. It is a talk to the person approach, and it works!
Lawton's story is an ongoing one, of hope, promise and a new direction. I highly recommend you read this book, especially any parent who is struggling with a child or young adult following the wrong path in life. It just might save your sanity.
Where do I begin ? I was just browsing through the true crime section, and came across the name, Peter Golenbock. If you follow sports like I do, Mr. Golenbock is one of the "Zen Masters" of excellent sports writing. His most popular book, at least among Yankee fans, is a New York sports classic, titled "The Bronx Zoo". That being said, when he and Mr. Larry Lawton met each other, he must have known that his literary genius, could (or had to) tell this story. Well Mr. Golenbock, you belted this book into the cheap seats, where Mantle took Jack Fischer years ago. It has never been easier for me to praise a book, like "Gangster Redemption". It is a roller coaster par excellance. I do not want to give away to much of this book. The subject is one Larry (not Lawrence) Lawton. He would be the first one to tell you to take the pretenses, and shove them where the "sun don't shine". Larry Lawton creates such a depth of crime and prison despair, that you think the Redemption part of this treatise will never come. One Larry Lawton will be dead, by the end of this criminal roller coaster. He has lead a life of one hundred bills falling out of his pocket, to countless trips to isolation, in some (or most) of the prisons across this great land of ours. Not the one of justice for individuals, who are cleansed clean from cold blooded murder, because they are blessed with privilege, monetary means, and the "Murderers Row" of Attorney's. He is shackled with the one that finds you guilty because you are jewel thief (the best ever, if you are keeping score) and habitual criminal, who besides almost dying in prison,is degraded to the point of guards urinating on him. How does he respond? He wipes off the clothing of scum he has worn, and proceeds to dedicate his life to helping inmates, who he visualizes first hand, being treated in a manner to graphic for me to describe. How about an inmate with no legs, covered in his own excrement because Guards will not even serve him his food. Yes, Mr. Lawton is a criminal, and tells you so. However, he is intuitive enough to know where degradation begins, and the justice system fails to treat inmates with a scintilla of humanity. He is not asking nor telling anyone convicted to be set free. Today, he has dedicated his life in helping "build a bridge" towards a better way. He emphasizes that not all Guards are sadistic and "get off" preying on the incarcerated. On the contrary, he dedicates his life to channeling his own deep bruises of incarceration to asking the powers that be, and all who will listen, that their has got to be a better way. He has in no way denied his guilt, he spends his life, trying to connect to young adults,and hopes they will not try to defend theirs, after it is to late. Henceforth,they are trapped in the revolving door of our prison system, where living with dignity can get you killed. Seldom has a book moved me like this one. It is a personal journey to Hell, and back. Mr. Lawton is not satisfied with release, he visualizes hope where their is none. He has more humanity then our present day leaders, who never read the credo made famous by Robert F. Kennedy. "Some people see things, and say why? I see things and say why not?" I recommend this page turner without reservation and know that in a perfect world, it would be required reading for every young adult in this great country, that can always strive to be more humane and civil to all people. A six star read!!!
Do you like mob stories, a must read. Prison life is hard and somtimes injust, read about life in Federal prison. Hard to put down. No one dies and a happy ending - saving kids from a life of crime. Do not miss this one, a great read, all true. This book is a Reality Check.
I have only read up to chapter 8 so far. This book is such a good read its such a hard book to put down. It is definitely a root for the "bad guy" kind of story. I'm so excited for the up coming chapters it's about Larry's life in federal prison. I will post another review when I finish the book. Suych a good read!
I am not a reader but the moment I downloaded the book on my kindle, I couldn't stop reading. I even brought it to work with me and read some at lunch time. I am now done with this book and now plan to get the DVD and then work on getting my oldest son into your program and meeting you. He is 16 and making wrong choices. I'm worried about the direction he's going into to. I will definitely recommend this boom to my family and friends, especially the ones with teenagers.

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