Ask Again Later eBook Liz Czukas

Ask Again Later eBook Liz Czukas
This story, and yes it is a prom story and yes it is witty and sometimes HILLARIOUS , I also has a unique protagonist and protagonist group. These kids, hearts group of friends aren't the most popular nor are they the least. They are EVERYKID. A bunch of close friends getting through highschool and life like most kids do, by being friends and depending on each other. I really liked that in this book.As for the story I thought Czukas handled the two stories very well and I was with them the whole time. I like that Phil is kind of jerk and he doesn't redeem himself but his girlfriend does. I like that it happens in one night and if feels like some of the dances I've been to and the party feels like some of the parties I shouldn't have been to. I also really liked Schroeder and his snarky give and take with Heart. I usually don't like weird names in books but since Heart didn't like her name it makes it kind of okay.
This is a fun book that felt real and the kids feel like kids I know.
Ii was funny and fun and I will read the next book from this author.

Tags : Ask Again Later eBook: Liz Czukas: Kindle Store,ebook,Liz Czukas,Ask Again Later,HarperTeen,Girls & Women,Romance - General,Social Themes - Friendship,Children's BooksAll Ages,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Dating (Social customs),Dating (Social customs);Fiction.,Fiction,Girls & Women,Love & Romance,Proms,Proms;Fiction.,Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage),Romance - General,Social Themes - Friendship,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction Girls & Women,Young Adult Fiction Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Friendship,Love & Romance,Young Adult Fiction Girls & Women,Young Adult Fiction Romance General,Young Adult Fiction Social Themes Friendship,Young Adult FictionGirls & Women,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Friendship,YOUNG ADULT FICTION: Girls & Women *,YOUNG ADULT FICTION: Social Themes Friendship *,Children's BooksAll Ages,Fiction,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Romance & relationships stories (Children's Teenage)
Ask Again Later eBook Liz Czukas Reviews
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales
Quick & Dirty Really fun contemporary read full of humor, drama, and cute romance. This is one of those books that you can just fly through and be entertained for a few hours.
Opening Sentence Before she left, my mom gave me three things (1) her wedding ring, (2) a closet full of kick-ass vintage clothes, and (3) the worst name in the world.
The Review
Heart has a very strict no dating policy. Her mother left when she was just a baby and Heart was always told it was because she felt like she was too young to have kids. To avoid making the same mistakes, Heart has decided to just cut out dating all together then she will never turn out like the woman she resents. Prom is coming up and Heart is planning on going with all of her geeky drama friends and she knows that she is going to have a blast but she gets two very unexpected invites by two very different guys.
Troy just got dumped by his long time girlfriend and already bought nonrefundable tickets to prom. He is best friends with Phil, Heart’s brother. Her brother offers her as a last minute date, and Heart feels terrible for Troy. She doesn’t really fit in with the popular crowd, but she doesn’t want to disappoint her brother either.
Ryan is a sweet boy that works with the costumes and sets for all the school plays. He has always been on the shy side, so Heart is very surprised when he asks her to prom. She knows that she would have fun with him, but she doesn’t want him to get the wrong idea about anything happening between them.
Heart is torn about what she should do, so she decides to leave it up to fate and flip a coin. As luck would have it, she ends up being able to live out both dates and see how different they would have been. But no matter which boy she goes with, she seems to find herself with the same ending, which is was different than she could ever imagine.
Heart is a total cutie and I adored her. She has some interesting ideals in her head about dating, but at the same time I can understand wanting to avoid getting hurt. She loves acting and goofing off with her friends. She is also very tender hearted and she tries really hard to please everyone, which is hard in her situation. I loved that she was your typical teenager with her own unique flair. It made her easy to connect with, but not boring.
This is one of those books that are just pure fun. You don’t have to put a lot of investment into it, and it only took me a few hours to breeze right through it. There were some pretty hilarious moments, and some cute parts that made me smile. There really wasn’t a lot of depth to the story, but sometimes you just need a light easy read that will entertain you without taking a toll on your emotions, and Ask Again Later is the perfect book for this situation. The writing was very entertaining and I look forward to reading more books from Czukas in the future. Overall, I thought this was a really fun book and I would highly recommend it to anyone that is looking for a cute read.
Notable Scene
He shot me a confused look, which melted the instant he saw me fit the coin against my bent thumb. “You’re not seriously flipping a coin over this,” he hissed.
“Why not?”
“Do you really think fate is going to guide you or something?”
“I don’t believe in fate. This is pure statistics.”
“So, what is it? Chuck E.’s head you come with us, tails you go with one of them?”
“Nope.” I waited until Mr. Lenier turned to write on the board again and flicked my thumb, sending the coin up.
Tokens are lighter than quarters, as it turns out, and the thing flew up in the air almost to the ceiling. I gasped as it clattered once—too loudly—against the edge of the lab desk before falling to points unknown.
FTC Advisory HarperTeen provided me with a copy of Ask Again Later. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
I absolutely loved this book!!!!!!!! Make sure you read this amazing and very interesting book!!! It's most definitely worth your money!
This book gives me all the warm fuzzies. It's so sweet and swoony and funny and GAH, I just love it.
Entertaining story of two prom dates, neither of which are the right match for Heart. Heart avoids relationships and approaches her dilemma of two dates to the prom with a coin toss, all the while her true romance is just around the corner.
The road not taken does not exist for Mrs. Czukas in Ask Again Later. This hilarious look at two different proms made me at once miss those high school days and thank God that I was done with that.
A sweet, easy and very light read. Don't have that much to say about it really. Not stirring any soecial feelings fir me.
Adorable and so full of voice. I found myself laughing out loud more than a few times!! This is sweet and pretty hilarious. Sixteen Candles meets Sliding Doors makes sense. Very cool way to layout a prom night!!
I'm a fan!!
This story, and yes it is a prom story and yes it is witty and sometimes HILLARIOUS , I also has a unique protagonist and protagonist group. These kids, hearts group of friends aren't the most popular nor are they the least. They are EVERYKID. A bunch of close friends getting through highschool and life like most kids do, by being friends and depending on each other. I really liked that in this book.
As for the story I thought Czukas handled the two stories very well and I was with them the whole time. I like that Phil is kind of jerk and he doesn't redeem himself but his girlfriend does. I like that it happens in one night and if feels like some of the dances I've been to and the party feels like some of the parties I shouldn't have been to. I also really liked Schroeder and his snarky give and take with Heart. I usually don't like weird names in books but since Heart didn't like her name it makes it kind of okay.
This is a fun book that felt real and the kids feel like kids I know.
Ii was funny and fun and I will read the next book from this author.

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