A Hole in God Pocket edition by KZ Snow Literature Fiction eBooks

When Greg Aubuchon brings home an inebriated man one night, he’s merely playing Good Samaritan. What’s the point of a twenty-five-year-old gay virgin having designs on a twenty-two-year-old straight player who just broke up with his girlfriend?
But… assumptions often prove erroneous. Faron Weaver’s girlfriend was actually a boyfriend, and he’s every bit as screwed up about being a promiscuous gay Amish man as Greg is about being a celibate gay ex-monk.
A bond forms between them, as bizarre as it is fitting, when Greg’s current housemate moves out and Faron moves in. Although mutual attraction charges the air, their friendship remains chaste.
Other men disappoint and even hurt them, making real love seem like an impossible dream. Estrangement from faith and family fills them with guilt. They confide and commiserate and consider solutions, but nothing seems to be enough. Greg and Faron have a longing to belong that could send them back to the places they came from…unless they accept the blessing that’s right under their noses.
A Hole in God Pocket edition by KZ Snow Literature Fiction eBooks
I gave is book three stars because it had no major editing errors that I could see and e main characters were interesting enough.The writing was clever enough, but a good story is more than just a clever turn of phrase.
As for a story, it was absolutely pointless. There was no resolution of anything at all. I don't need HEA, but at the end of the book I'm just asking for a reasonable ending. The author even created needless conflict only to not mention it again in the book. Without giving any spoilers I will say that none of the issues with family, friends or even life like finding a job were even referenced in the end. Even a French ending like "they had to grab what bit of happiness they could because it would all end" would have been something. At the end of is book all I could think of was why I wasted my time with this. A lot of people seem to like this author but this is e second disappointing read I've had and I won't be buying any more of itheir books
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Tags : A Hole in God's Pocket - Kindle edition by K.Z. Snow. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading A Hole in God's Pocket.,ebook,K.Z. Snow,A Hole in God's Pocket,Dreamspinner Press,FICTION Gay,FICTION Romance Contemporary
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A Hole in God Pocket edition by KZ Snow Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
The subtle story of the title is precious and gives such meaning to this book outside of the narrative itself. This is a character driven story about men who can't escape what it means to be a gay man and a man of God. Faron and Greg need a community of support and at the end of the book that is exactly what is in sight for them, making for a very satisfying HEA. Sweet, truthful, lovingly told, A HOLE IN GOD'S POCKET is a pleasing yet restless story that leaves you with hope for this damaged world and the flawed people in it.
I liked the story. It was a comfortable, easy read. The relationship between Greg and Faron wasn't that simple. For some reason I really didn't see the in depth relationship development between Greg and Faron I had hoped for. It felt like I was reading two sides--one was Faron's side and other was Greg's side. It wasn't enough of concentrate on Faron and Greg's development together, and they seemed a bit rushed. Those kinds of lifestyles Faron and Greg came from really needed time to show how they truly came to have feelings toward each other. I guess I wasn't entirely satisfied with how Greg and Faron fell for each other. There was something missing, but I couldn't figure it out.
I still would recommend the readers to check this book out. The lifestyles they had were really interesting.
This one was a new year gift from a friend, and what a lovely gift it turned out to be. Often enough when I read a novella in this genre (or a short story) which seemed rushed, incomplete, etc, I tend to think that if only the author had more pages to work with, he/she would been able to develop the plot, characters in more depth. But sometimes a story comes along which tells me that the skilled author is able to say everything she wants in whatever amount of pages she has, I think this is one of those stories. While certainly I would not mind even more in depth look at the relationship between Greg and Farron and their struggles with their respective faiths, I liked what I got. I thought it was well written, memorable and ending was just enough HFN to feel real.
K.Z. Snow's A Hole in God's Pocket is a lush, lyrical tale of a twenty-five year-old former monk, Greg Aubuchon, who meets a former Amish man, Faron Weaver and find out they have a lot more in common besides religion. As these two men forge a friendship, they also discover a deep and abiding love for each other that threatens everything they've ever believed.
What I love most about this book was the tone and structure of the words. They were utterly beautiful and fit in perfectly with the setting and the plot of the story. Now, this book isn't The Thorn Birds, as Faron is sort of a little promiscuous and is not fighting the fact he's gay, but Greg like Father Ralph is lost and alone until he finds his soul mate (Faron). So, as a love story, this book shines, but readers who like graphic sex scenes should look elsewhere, as that wouldn't have fit within the confines of Greg and Faron's relationship. And while there might not be up-against-the-wall sex, A Hole in God's Pocket is deeply sensual and erotic in its own unique way.
Overall, everything about A Hole in God's Pocket was of the highest caliber the writing, the plot and the characterizations. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Dark Divas Reviews
This was one really considerate and loving story. The author treated (to me at least) each of their traditions and relationships with God very respectfully. I just wish the story had been longer! But the fact they were able to fill that void within themselves and come to terms with the fact that they were both okay, and that the God they knew did not make mistakes, that helped me come to terms with the ending of the story.
Also, I enjoyed the 'glimpses' of the outdoors, and the peace they each received in their respective traditions, and love of either nature, fields, trees, walls of the abbey, sunlight through windows, and routines. They found comfort in doing what they felt they needed to in quiet contemplation. To find someone who allowed you to do this and still be you, well, that was just right for me, and my idea of a beautiful, unconditional, loving relationship.
The idea that Faron felt dirty, and carried that feeling that he fell through a hole in God's pocket since the incident on the side of the road with his little sister, well, that made me feel very meloncholy and sad for him. I thought the resolution of his emotion, even though not addressing his relationship with his family, and possibilty of losing it, was kind to be able to share with someone else who understood, in part at least, what he was going through, even if for different reasons.
Left me wishing for more, and I would love to see a story for Mose.Thank you, dear author.
My second time reading this book and found it as interesting as the first. The writing style immediately pulls you in and keeps you you enthralled
I really like this story, because the experience, and a life for God was it's back drop. It's gives a mirror of my journey of being gay and loving God too.
I gave is book three stars because it had no major editing errors that I could see and e main characters were interesting enough.
The writing was clever enough, but a good story is more than just a clever turn of phrase.
As for a story, it was absolutely pointless. There was no resolution of anything at all. I don't need HEA, but at the end of the book I'm just asking for a reasonable ending. The author even created needless conflict only to not mention it again in the book. Without giving any spoilers I will say that none of the issues with family, friends or even life like finding a job were even referenced in the end. Even a French ending like "they had to grab what bit of happiness they could because it would all end" would have been something. At the end of is book all I could think of was why I wasted my time with this. A lot of people seem to like this author but this is e second disappointing read I've had and I won't be buying any more of itheir books

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