The Ungifted Elf eBook AJ Martinez

The Ungifted Elf eBook AJ Martinez
Fine, there’s some typos. But Martinez writes in such a detailed manner, so vividly, that it’s hard not to visualize what’s going on in the world of Odealeous and hence made me forget all about them.The sentences are short. True. Though, to me, it added that right atmosphere that one might have - being “cautious”, when you’ve been told and treated like you weren’t good enough. All your life.
Cos that’s what The Ungifted Elf is about. Eckxio was unable to cast magic. But why??
And yes, the journey might be rough - you might have to look for your fairy king to make you see they were wrong all this time, but it’ll be worth it!
The Ungifted Elf is not just some random piece of fantasy, but one with a strong message: never stop believing in yourself and your abilities!
(Thank you for the reminder… ^_^)

Tags : The Ungifted Elf. - Kindle edition by A.J. Martinez. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Ungifted Elf..,ebook,A.J. Martinez,The Ungifted Elf.,Summon Sphere,Fiction Fantasy Epic,Fiction Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology
The Ungifted Elf eBook AJ Martinez Reviews
I had this book on my TBR list for quite a long time and finally got the chance to read it.
The story begins with an exiled elf turned wanderer named Eckxio who has finally located a mountain where according to an old myth, is inhabited by a fairy tribe whose king might be capable of unleashing the magic that he was apparently not born with. Bullied and frustrated by his misfortune during his childhood, he was exiled only 5 years ago and carries three items that have somewhat compensated his lack of magic skills during his travels a sword forged with a rare kind of steel that can deflect magic, a gauntlet with a strange serpent eye (a beast that he himself killed and has an unsightly scar on the face as proof) that can absorb small amounts of magic and rechannel it, and finally a fairy called Nala that doesn't have arms, a body covered with fur and 4 belly buttons that she uses to rechannel magic.
His hopes of climbing the mountain are thwarted by a group of soldiers from a nearby city that are looking for something as well. Presuming their queen wants to capture the fairies for some evil purpose, he starts a killing rampage and oddly enough, instead of wanting to behead him, the female commanding officer kisses him in the mouth after meeting him for just a few minutes after he reluctantly saves her life after being attacked by a guardian golem.
Now, the story has some good merits. I simply loved the creativity surrounding Nala's character and how physically bizarre she looks. The story spins some things around and elves aren't immortals per se, but they can enjoy living around 300 years, are seldom more than 5 feet tall and of very slender build. While of average height for his race, Eckxio stands out because his body is bulkier than usual granting him for leeway when using the sword.
The premise is quite interesting and I liked Eckxio's determination when he reaches the cave to the hidden fairy city. However, lots of info is repeated (the book seems to enjoy stipulating Eckxio's height at least 3 times), I would have preferred a flashback chapter of the circumstances surrounding Eckxio's exile and subsequent romance with a human woman instead of a few info dump paragraphs, his decision to eventually work for the queen as a warrior whose men wanted to damage the fairy home made little sense and the writing just didn't flow with particularly artistic prose.
The soldiers served the queen. The soldiers worked long nights guarding the mountain. etc etc etc...
A lot of the prose sounded like an elementary school assignment. While gramatically correct, it just didn't seem to sound fluid which took away from the enjoyment factor. I think this story with some major editing, removal of redundant repetitive information and some flashback chapters would have really made it shine because the story was clearly there. A sufficiently laudable effort to merit 3 stars.
Good reading a fine story of self discovery you can't keep blaming others for your troubles. Learn to believe in yourself.
About an elf without magic, who has to learn to believe in himself, goes on a quest of self discovery.
The Ungifted Elf was a great novella that was so much fun to read. If you love Elves and Fairies this is the book for you.
Good characters and excellent moral for all to remember & keep in mind.
For the author version read/downloaded could use better editing/proofreading for misspelled, misplaced & many wrong past tense words that should have been used.
A great read with a lot of fantasy and old world tales. I did enjoy this book with has a hint of Tolkien, who I love. I think the author has a great writing style and has produced a wonderful adventure starring Eckxio the elf. Their is magic, adventure and a whole lot more, I think this is an author people will be anxiously waiting on titles for.
This elf grew up without the internal Magic all other Elfs are born with. He learned to use his strength and a magic sword and traveled all over the country when he was exiled from his own village because he could not use magic. He sought out the Fairy King to help restore his magic. A very good book.
Fine, there’s some typos. But Martinez writes in such a detailed manner, so vividly, that it’s hard not to visualize what’s going on in the world of Odealeous and hence made me forget all about them.
The sentences are short. True. Though, to me, it added that right atmosphere that one might have - being “cautious”, when you’ve been told and treated like you weren’t good enough. All your life.
Cos that’s what The Ungifted Elf is about. Eckxio was unable to cast magic. But why??
And yes, the journey might be rough - you might have to look for your fairy king to make you see they were wrong all this time, but it’ll be worth it!
The Ungifted Elf is not just some random piece of fantasy, but one with a strong message never stop believing in yourself and your abilities!
(Thank you for the reminder… ^_^)

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