Julie and Julia 365 Days 524 Recipes 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen Julie Powell 9780316109697 Books

Julie and Julia 365 Days 524 Recipes 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen Julie Powell 9780316109697 Books
Julia Child is still my go to author when I want to cook something special and out of my usual range (which is inspired by her)I enjoyed the movie and was hoping for more insights into the cooking so I grabbed this when it was featured on one of my discount lists instead of downloading a sample. I should have read the reviews first. If you enjoyed the movie DON'T buy this.
It's NOT about the cooking or the food. It's about her trials and tribulations and they are many indeed. She's a Democrat and that's fine, so am I, but I don't need to know the presumed political affiliation of everyone she dislikes. Nor is she the first to be employed in a not so fulfilling position.
I can see why Julia Child is said to have been less than impressed with the book. It was as if cooking was a goal, not a pleasure, just git 'er done.. There is none of the overwhelming enthusiasm that she had for cooking. If you are interested in her as a person get Julia Child Rules: Lessons On Savoring Life instead

Tags : Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen [Julie Powell] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Recounts how the author escaped the doldrums of an unpromising career and lackluster Queens apartment by mastering every recipe in Julia Child's 1961 classic,Julie Powell,Julie and Julia: 365 Days, 524 Recipes, 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen,Little, Brown and Company,031610969X,General,Personal Memoirs,Cooking, French;Anecdotes.,French cooking;Anecdotes.,Women cooks;Anecdotes.,Anecdotes,Biography & Autobiography,Biography & Autobiography Personal Memoirs,Biography Autobiography,Biography And Autobiography,BiographyAutobiography,Cookery,Cooking,Cooking General,Cooking, French,Essays,Powell, Julie,Women cooks
Julie and Julia 365 Days 524 Recipes 1 Tiny Apartment Kitchen Julie Powell 9780316109697 Books Reviews
I was looking for a low-key read for summer and remembered enjoying the movie, so I thought I would try the book. I found the main character whiney and messy and not a lot of fun to read. Wouldn't recommend the book. Enjoyed the movie.
Reading this book must be like reading Julie Powell's blog - informal, funny, annoying. Some parts of the book should not be read while eating (the parts dealing with offal) but all in all, Great read. Oh, if you're expecting a lot of Julia Child bio (like the movie), forget it. A few entertaining letters written by Paul Childs are about it.
Maybe it's unfortunate that I saw Julie and Julia at the theater before I read the book. I enjoyed the movie. I found Amy Adams a little more likable than in her previous movies, and Meryl Streep was just spot on. As movies usually leave portions of their namesake books out, I downloaded Julie and Julia to my to see what I'd missed. That was on August 23; it's now September 11, and I've just finished. I've had plenty of opportunity to read the book in that long time span, but not much to entice me.
Frankly, it's rather boring to read about cooking, dirty kitchens, failed recipes, etc., over and over. There's enough of that at my house. Visually, those things only entertained me in the movie. The excerpts from Julia's life were much more interesting in the movie; in the book, they were very, very short, although I realize that the movie had more to work with since Nora Ephron adapted parts of Julia's book, My Life in France, into the movie.
Often, a chapter would begin with Julie in a new situation; however, she would veer off topic for a number of pages, and by the time she returned to the subject, it was hard to remember the start.
I don't believe I laughed a single time during my reading. Julie's constant complaining and whining became old very fast, and I didn't see that 365 days of cooking made much difference. One more thing, if you're offended by the F--- bomb, be prepared for plenty of explosions.
People either like Julie Powell or loathe her, it seems. Although in the blog on which the book and film were based, she shows herself to be prone to overreacting and self-absorption, I appreciated her acerbic wit. Apparently she did not handle her subsequent fame very well, and her follow-up memoir was uniformly-panned, pun intended.
I have read thousands of books in my time . I have never read a piece of trash like this . I can see how Julia Child would be embarassed to be even mentioned. This book should receive NO stars!
This book had nothing really to do with Julia Child. This is a pitiful read. I pride myself that I finish a book, no matter what, but this one almost made me throw it away. This was a rambling on of a bad tempered, self centered girl, who forced herself to cook through Mtaofc. I'm sure her food at times, tastes good, following Julia's recipes, but as a reader I had to swim through the self indulgence, and whiney chatter of this truelly boring 'blog' person. Julia Child was a woman of class and grace, something this girl will never know, no matter what she cooks.
While I can appreciate what the writer actually did, it was one of the hardest reads I have had. I say the movie was better because at least the movie character was easier to empathize with. The actress gave a performance that allowed the movie watcher to at least find something relatable and likable about her. The longer I read this book, the only thing I kept thinking was "Finish the book because you paid for it." I found that there was nothing about the author, in this limited semi autobiographical, that I found even remotely likable. It is one to dislike this or that character in a book, but to find that the writing style, the use of language, the constant denigrating of anything or anyone on a whim and the laissez Faire attitude displayed regarding anyone or any situation she deemed as non traditional was somewhat disgusting. I realized before the mid point of the book, this is a person I would never want to call friend. So with that in mind I also realized I will never waste another dime reading anything written by this author.
Julia Child is still my go to author when I want to cook something special and out of my usual range (which is inspired by her)
I enjoyed the movie and was hoping for more insights into the cooking so I grabbed this when it was featured on one of my discount lists instead of downloading a sample. I should have read the reviews first. If you enjoyed the movie DON'T buy this.
It's NOT about the cooking or the food. It's about her trials and tribulations and they are many indeed. She's a Democrat and that's fine, so am I, but I don't need to know the presumed political affiliation of everyone she dislikes. Nor is she the first to be employed in a not so fulfilling position.
I can see why Julia Child is said to have been less than impressed with the book. It was as if cooking was a goal, not a pleasure, just git 'er done.. There is none of the overwhelming enthusiasm that she had for cooking. If you are interested in her as a person get Julia Child Rules Lessons On Savoring Life instead

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