One with You Crossfire Sylvia Day 9781250109309 Books

One with You Crossfire Sylvia Day 9781250109309 Books
Well, we've waited a long time for this ending...and to say I was disappointed may be an understatement. I certainly expected after this long, drawn out wait, that Eva and Gideon would get an amazing ending. They didn't, not even in the Epilogue. Most of the book was like reading the first four books on repeat...Eva wanting Gideon to give her more, open up. While Gideon always having a melt down because of his need to protect Eva and the fact that he didn't feel like he was the center of her world.**Spoiler Alert**
I think the really weird "what???" was the storyline turning to Monica and her life, or rather prior life. The explanation was rushed and didn't add a lot to the story.
If you are looking for "What happened to Cary/Trey/Baby Mama", you won't get that answer. There is no conclusion there. Who knows if she has the baby, if there really is a baby, if the baby is really Cary's??? Trey is around but not in the picture at all. Cary was just kind of left in the wind.
Gideon and his mother's relationship never resolved. There was a hint of why his brother Christopher hated him so much, but really no resolution there either.
At one point, Eva shows up with a dog, like Gideon is the type to have a dog, any dog. But she shows up with what I assume is a small dog, a puppy from the description. Somehow, the dog has the miraculous sixth sense of a well trained, much older, much bigger, therapy dog for people with PTSD. This dog knows to wake Gideon and even at one point Eva from bad dreams and comfort them. This dog pops in and out of the story like an after thought. Another storyline without a lot of substance.
And of course, there was the usual pop up of the scorned females Gideon had been with, constantly being thrown in Eva's face, and leaving us with more questions. Was the tell all book written? What happened to Anne after her latest stunt? More snips of small pop up storylines that were left incomplete.
In the end, I was left with one big question mark and disappointment. I truly believed Sylvia Day would finish this series off in grand fashion, showing Gideon and Eva has a strong, powerful couple that fiercely ruled New York. Instead, she went with Groundhog Day and nonsense.

Tags : One with You (Crossfire) [Sylvia Day] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>The instant number one bestseller</b> FROM #1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING AUTHOR SYLVIA DAY </i></b> <b> The final chapter in the global blockbuster Crossfire quintet</i></b> Gideon Cross. Falling in love with him was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. It happened instantly. Completely. Irrevocably. Marrying him was a dream come true. Staying married to him is the fight of my life. Love transforms. Ours is both a refuge from the storm and the most violent of tempests. Two damaged souls entwined as one. We have bared our deepest,Sylvia Day,One with You (Crossfire),St. Martin's Griffin,1250109302,Man-woman relationships,Manhattan (New York, N.Y.);Fiction.,Marriage;Fiction.,Married people,Secrecy;Fiction.,060401 SMP Trade Paper-SMP Trade Paper Curr Yr,AMERICAN LIGHT ROMANTIC FICTION,FICTION Romance Contemporary,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction-Romance,GENERAL,General Adult,Monograph Series, any,Romance - Contemporary,RomanceModern,Romance: Modern,United States,FICTION Romance General,contemporary romance; contemporary romance books; contemporary romance novels; adult contemporary romance; contemporary romance and sex; romance contemporary; contemporary romances; steamy romance; sex romance; sexy romance books; hot steamy romance; steamy romance books; hot romance novels; smutty romance books; naughty romance; dirty romance books; sexual romance books; erotic romance; erotic romance books; abuse survivors; alternating narrators; romance series; marriage life; marriage and divorce; love stories; love story; bestselling authors
One with You Crossfire Sylvia Day 9781250109309 Books Reviews
I came back to my review with the intention of deleting it and writing a new review. I was one of the first group of people to write a review, and I didn't want to give away any spoilers. But there were several people the review helped, so I'll just edit. I will tell you that I went back and skimmed through the book again. If I had rewritten the review, it would now only receive a 1 star rating.
So, I'll keep some of my original review at the end. But here is my new review. Only the very beginning of the book is where I used a spoiler. I didn't give anything away about the body of the story.
One mild spoiler from the first section of the book.
The one thing I was happy about is that the doctor immediately deflated Eva's ego by telling her what she was doing was emotional blackmail. Especially since Eva had just accused her mother of the same thing when Monica got upset until she got her way with Stanton. And Eva was very hateful toward her mother.
Also, she was so sure that she was right, and by forcing Gideon to share something he wasn't emotionally ready to share, that she had fixed the marriage, because, in her mind, it was him that needed fixing. She just needed to hurt him in order to get her way. When she found out (and how stupid was she really?) that she had pushed him into a corner by blackmailing him, she got all teary-eyed. It goes from there.
I feel like that should have been the end of book 4 actually.
Then book 5 should have picked up a few months later with Eva working at Crossfire with Gideon. Then she could continue her career goals while contributing to her own company with her husband. That way she could show her intelligence and strength. And they could have faced their enemies together and tied up all those plot lines LanCorp, Corinne and the tell-all book, the reporter, Christopher, Dr. and Ann Lucas, etc. We could have seen her still interacting with her friends Mark and Stephen's marriage, her friend who was abused, Stephens sister, etc.
Cary was supposed to move into the apartment at the penthouse. We could have followed his relationship with Eva and Gideon, and found out what happened with him and Trey, as well as the model who was supposed to be pregnant. Was she pregnant? Or did she have it aborted? Was the baby actually Cary's? Would Cary and Trey actually have a chance at a real relationship?
We could have seen Eva standing by her husband's side while he finally confronted and came to terms with his family. His nightmares weren't going to stop until he worked out the years of betrayal he had carried around with him. We needed to find out why Christopher hated him so much. There were also tidbits in the other stories about a history of Christopher's behavior that went far beyond the few things we were told about. Those needed to come to light and be dealt with.
That's what book 5 should have been about. How is Eva standing by her husband's side? How is she stronger and smarter? How is she going forward with her career? All those loose ends from all the unresolved plots should have been taken care of - and in a rational, believable way.
Unfortunately, if you're looking for any of these things in book 5, you will be sorely disappointed.
What you will see is lazy writing, irrational story resolutions, plot holes, and characters who only vaguely resemble the people you have come to know in the previous four books.
Some reviewers complained because they felt nothing was resolved. My feeling was that the author was giving us a big "just kidding" - all that drama in the past 4 books - no big deal. It's nothing to worry about. Forget about it.
You might as well. The author did. All the things that were insurmountable in the last few books weren't even worth a moment's worry or thought to the characters any longer.
Lancorp? - just kidding - they weren't really a problem
Corrine - No worries. She's really no big deal. Tell-all book? Moving on; nothing to see here.
And on and on. All that drama we were waiting to be tackled - just wasn't. Not a worry any longer. Not a problem in their lives. Just not there.
Another reviewer pointed out that Gideon and Eva played around with mild BDSM in the other books. Nothing hardcore, but spanking and the swing. That was never brought up again. It wasn't part of their sex life. Did he just take down the swing and toss it in a closet? It suddenly wasn't part of his personality any longer. Why? Now they're Mr. and Mrs. Vanilla Sex living happily ever after on his money? She couldn't care less about a career? Maybe accepting an award for the company would be okay, or commenting on a game the company is putting out? And she's all satisfied? Were those even the same two people in the Crossfire Series?
There were actually a couple of places where there could have been angst or a bit of drama or plot - but the first incident was cleared up in a couple of paragraphs. The second incident was cleared up in a couple of pages.
And the ending plot twist was lame and ridiculous. It barely made sense. Once the reviews start really coming in, and spoilers are given out, I would be interested if anyone can explain to me how anything about that scenario was logical.
The Epilogue ?
I'll ask the question again - Who were these people and what did she do with Eva and Gideon?!
I'm a little pi$$ed off. Not going to lie. I was overjoyed to find One With You on my this morning. It picks up right where we left off in the previous book. The story had me hooked until 85%. Then suddenly the focus shifts from Gideon and Eva to Monica, Eva's mom. The rest of the book focuses 90% on her and her 'story.' The end is where I got just plain mad. SO many unanswered questions!!! What were you thinking Sylvia! What happens to Corinne? Was the baby actually Cary's? Did Tatiana have it? Does he reconcile with Trey? How could you leave us hanging like that?!? It's cruel! And what the eff kind of epilogue was that?!? ONE MONTH LATER?!? That's IT?!? I'm so disappointed!!
Well, we've waited a long time for this ending...and to say I was disappointed may be an understatement. I certainly expected after this long, drawn out wait, that Eva and Gideon would get an amazing ending. They didn't, not even in the Epilogue. Most of the book was like reading the first four books on repeat...Eva wanting Gideon to give her more, open up. While Gideon always having a melt down because of his need to protect Eva and the fact that he didn't feel like he was the center of her world.
**Spoiler Alert**
I think the really weird "what???" was the storyline turning to Monica and her life, or rather prior life. The explanation was rushed and didn't add a lot to the story.
If you are looking for "What happened to Cary/Trey/Baby Mama", you won't get that answer. There is no conclusion there. Who knows if she has the baby, if there really is a baby, if the baby is really Cary's??? Trey is around but not in the picture at all. Cary was just kind of left in the wind.
Gideon and his mother's relationship never resolved. There was a hint of why his brother Christopher hated him so much, but really no resolution there either.
At one point, Eva shows up with a dog, like Gideon is the type to have a dog, any dog. But she shows up with what I assume is a small dog, a puppy from the description. Somehow, the dog has the miraculous sixth sense of a well trained, much older, much bigger, therapy dog for people with PTSD. This dog knows to wake Gideon and even at one point Eva from bad dreams and comfort them. This dog pops in and out of the story like an after thought. Another storyline without a lot of substance.
And of course, there was the usual pop up of the scorned females Gideon had been with, constantly being thrown in Eva's face, and leaving us with more questions. Was the tell all book written? What happened to Anne after her latest stunt? More snips of small pop up storylines that were left incomplete.
In the end, I was left with one big question mark and disappointment. I truly believed Sylvia Day would finish this series off in grand fashion, showing Gideon and Eva has a strong, powerful couple that fiercely ruled New York. Instead, she went with Groundhog Day and nonsense.

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